Khan Academy Burmese Translation

What is Khan Academy Burmese?

Khan Academy is a non-profit organization with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere through educational videos. We as a community provide resources and tools to assist the translation of Khan Academy videos into the Burmese language. Please see a couple of sample videos below.


Khan Academy videos have been translated to Burmese


past and present volunteers from around the world

Who we are?

We are a group of volunteers that come together to help bring FREE world-class education to Myanmar.

How you can help

We are 100% volunteer-run project. Education is a human right. We believe in free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Instead of paying translators, we are supported by an individual volunteer from people like you. Please join us today and leave your legacy for generations to come.

We need YOUR help!

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